7 Money Making Truths That Will Change Your Life
To make money, you actually need to study money and understand how it is made.
This isn't quite as obvious and logical as it sounds, so read on.
After reading this post, you'll learn to stop searching for money as though it were a mystery.
Money is all around us like energy, and you should be able to say to it, come, and it will come. Or, go over there, and it should.
Now let's dive into some truths about making money, raw and upfront:
1. Money Making Is Good
I am yet to meet anyone who wouldn't like to make more money, and that includes you!
Secretly, you'd like to be rich! Yes, I said it. Whatever your motivation.
Yet, I bet when you talk about making more money, the body language and reaction you get is likely one of disgust. Yuk!
This is partly because many people think of money as “the root of all evil”.
This is of course not true. The love of money is the thing that isn't focused on.
Yes… If you love money, be afraid. Be very afraid!
You know you love money when it's all you think about day and night, and you'll likely sacrifice true relationships for the sake of making some “cash money”!
If you're at this stage of life, you might as well be worshiping money and should start kissing your life goodbye because this path leads to destruction!
Another sign that you love money is that you'll do anything immoral to get it. This includes dirty tactics to get a promotion or bonus, ripping people off, lying etc.
People who go down this path might make some money, but it is usually shortlived. They get caught out by life and never ever thrive for the long term.
If there is anything you take away from this entire post, let it be this –
[yellowbar]Money is made when you serve others using your spiritual (not physical) characteristics.[/yellowbar]
These characteristics include such things as integrity, optimism, creativity, imagination etc.
Such characteristics show up in the physical through your actions, decisions, choices, products, services etc.
Another way to look at this is, when you get hired to work for a company, you're usually hired partly because you possess some ability. The one dimension that is usually non-negotiable is your spiritual dimension – integrity, honesty, energy etc.
Of course, this is never stated explicitly. However, if you think about it, you'll realise it makes sense although I know I really don't need to convince you.
Money is the silent applaud for truly serving another human being. Afterall, all that exists in this world are people and relationships.
What on earth do I mean by “serve others”? Well, I am really referring to truly helping others (customers) achieve a desired outcome or result.
By focusing on truly helping others, you're changing the world around you and not just seeking money. The money follows by default. For this reason, money making is good.
Now that I have told you the primary reason for this post, let's move onto money making truths most people can understand:
2. The Money Making Pyramid
We are told in schools or when we listen to the news that businesses exist to stimulate the economy and provide jobs.
Whilst this is somewhat true, I will tell you the real reason most businesses exist:
To make entrepreneurs rich!
If the entrepreneurs, boards, and shareholders of a business are not making money, the business would cease to exist.
As such, let me introduce you to the Money Making Pyramid:
At the very top of the pyramid are Entrepreneurs with an Unlimited Earnings Potential. They don't necessarily do the most grafting, but they usually take the most risk.
They also do one more remarkable thing – They take responsibility for problems. Ponder on that for a minute.
Note that for the risks this group take, they become owners and stand to benefit the most financially.
Not only are they rewarded handsomely via dividends (and taxed less) when their businesses make profits, they also stand to get a stupendous reward if and when they sell their successful businesses.
Add to that, this group more than any other is most likely to diversify themselves by moving onto the Superhighway and becoming investors
i.e. they’d move their wealth from one asset class (shares in their businesses) into other asset classes (such as property, Venture Capital investments, Gold or whatever).
Next up in the Money Making Pyramid are the Rain Makers.
These are the group of people often looked down upon by the next group of individuals (Technicians) covered below.
Rain Makers are people who Market and Sell products or generate New Business.
They are the next group in any business that has Unlimited Earnings Potential if they play their cards right.
This group is unique because they obsess about how to get products and services into the hands of customers (you and me).
Rain Makers exist in 2 places:
Type 1 – In their own businesses
Type 2 – In other people's businesses as Intrapreneurs
Type 1 Rain Makers – They absolutely kill it because they realise that their skill is NOT a Commodity.
They dictate prices, especially where they have mastered what they have to offer (by Deep Immersion) and can put together their own Power Rangers team to reinforce their Rain Making abilities.
This group can literally approach Any business with their abilities and ask for Any amount of Money.
They are the types who for example Build funnels for other businesses for £250k a pop or record 3-minute videos for other businesses for £500k a pop.
Type 2 Rain Makers – Are entrepreneurs within other peoples companies i.e. Intrapreneurs.
I have known one such exceptional individual in my working life, and at the height of it, he was taking home £250k a month as an employee Rain Maker.
And that's because he managed to create a business within a Business. Remarkable!
The final group in the Money Making pyramid are Technicians.
These are the Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Actuaries, Bankers, Engineers, Nurses, Teachers, Architects etc.
Interestingly, this is the part of the pyramid that we are driven to when we go to school.
If you are paid a fixed salary, then you are a technician, simply because the skill you offer is a Commodity and can be bought on a readily available market.
There is hope for this group though. Keep on reading.
Entrepreneurs are not there to make Technicians rich. They are there to make themselves rich and take along the Rain Makers.
Rain Makers (if they are good) do not get fired or get offered redundancy. They have bargaining power.
A smart entrepreneur would always pay very close attention to those that generate leads, sales, and customers.
3. Traffic Is Everything
To make money on the internet, you either Own or you Control Traffic.
Think of Facebook, Instagram, Amazon etc. These platforms are machines and do the above or help others do it.
Like icebergs, what you see on the surface is just a fraction of the beasts that exist behind the scenes.
This is fantastic because one guaranteed way to start making money today is to start thinking about how you can own and control some traffic.
I cover Making Money online in 85 Ways to Make Extra Money
4. Reciprocity Is A Force For Good
Giving leads to receiving. Fact!
Like it or not, to make money, you need to start thinking of creating a ton of value.
Alot of it will be free, and this usually serves as a tool for building trust.
Once trust is established, then the tunnel of exchange has been formed and one is closer to becoming a customer.
Read: The Power Of Generosity and Why It Pays
5. It Is All In Your Hands
Everything you need to become wealthy or Financially Independent is already in your hands today!
You have to become obsessed with your skills and go for Deep Immersion in whatever it is that you do. Next, you need to focus and geek out on what Rain Makers do.
6. You Are Always In A Tunnel Funnel
Do you remember the film, The Truman Show, where Jim Carrey realised he had lived his entire life in a man-made created world?
The truth shook him to the core and he eventually started using it to his advantage.
Well, let me break some truths to you. You are always in a funnel in many aspects of your life.
Have you recently upgraded your phone to the latest iPhone? That's because you are in Apple’s funnel.
Have you recently been on holiday via Expedia or Booking.com? That's probably because they have been courting you for a long time and you are in their funnel.
Below is what a Funnel looks like:
This is great news! Can you think of ways this same idea could be useful for your life?
Check out my post on 85 Ways to Make Extra Money for some great ideas.
7. The Internet Does Not Discriminate
This is where there is considerable good news for the technicians referred to above.
Traditionally, the skills people learn are used in their jobs to earn a salary and also enrich the entrepreneurs they work for.
Today, the internet is game-changing and does not discriminate.
Technicians now have a wonderful opportunity of creating expert businesses and related information products they can sell passively.
The secret sauce to creating an Expert Business successfully is that you have to immerse deeply in your area of expertise, but most importantly, learn the skills of the Rain Maker.
Better yet, assemble a team with Rain Making abilities.
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7+) Personal Brand – Find your Voice and Make It Rain
You are the Asset but may just not know it yet.
This is true for 2 reasons:
- You have a Unique Perspective on all things.
- You have a Unique Story.
Throw in your Expertise, identify a niche within your market area and you will soon find your Voice.
Blend in your newly learned skills as a Rain Maker, and you will be Winning.
What Money Making Truths Could You Share? Please share your thoughts or perspective as a comment.
Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.
This post got me thinking about setting up a “Rainmaking” business. There are always entities willing to pay a handsome sum to be able to get more traffic.
Brilliant, Benson :). Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thanks ken for this brilliant post.
I will add Positive mindset, Association with only positive people, Leverage and Finding a problem and solving that problem/find solution to the problem for mankind.
Thank you, Tony! Totally agree.
Interesting post Ken, the “rainmakers” category is new to me. Can you give examples of what job titles/positions they tend to be within companies?
Hey Ros, Marketing and Sales.
I’m curious as I would have assumed Marketing and Sales to be fixed salary roles. Even when its commission based I hadn’t imagined it to be at the scale of the rainmakers that you describe. It must be very specialised roles/positions within marketing and sales?
Comms are the main game especially for sales roles.
The specific individual I referred to was in his early 50s. Well experienced senior. Saying that, some of the guys in their 30s were taking home about £25k a month (excluding basic salary). I am talking about sales in Financial services here…not conventional sales roles.