Financial Joy Book

Stop worrying about money. Start enjoying your life.

Is this your reality?


Not investing enough for retirement


Living on only one source of income


Stuck in a job without a Plan B


Lacking fun in life with little money to travel


Living paycheck to paycheck with debts and no savings


Want to start a side hustle or business you love but don't know how


Stuck in a poor relationship with money


Stressed financially and tired of life as usual

I want to start right now! |

Tap on Start Today button*

Let us help you take control
of your financial life:

Budget For

Consistently budget and build up your savings.

Super Simple Investing

Gain investing confidence in only 12 days.

Financial Joy Academy

Achieve time and money freedom faster with us.

Let us help you take
control of your
financial life:

Budget For Life

Consistently budget and build up your savings.

Super Simple Investing

Gain investing confidence in only 12 days.

Financial Joy Academy

Achieve time and money freedom faster with us.

Ken and Mary

Hi, we're Ken and Mary!

We're Ken and Mary and we achieved financial independence aged 34! We know what it feels like to live day in day out stressed and worried about money having started life as first-generation immigrants.
We've learned from helping over 3 million people that most people struggle to take control and grow their money. So we've created a money journey framework that helps you achieve your goals faster so that you can live a stress-free life of Financial Joy

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Create a financial life that you love

Take control

1. Take Control

Learn to build good wealth foundations, adopt better habits and use the right tools. This will help you achieve financial stability.

Grow money

2. Grow Money

Master saving, explore side income ideas and learn investing to make your money work harder for you. This will help you achieve financial security.


3. Financially free

Create a financial life that gives you joy and freedom to live on your own terms faster by improving your mindset and skillset, implementing ideas to multiply your income and wealth using our step-by-step behaviour change programme. This will help you achieve financial independence.

big foto mary and ken The Humble Penny

At The Humble Penny, we know you're the kind of person who ultimately wants to achieve Financially Independence and live without money worries. In order to get there, you need to follow a step-by-step plan to pay off debts, save more, and grow your money.

The problem is that you likely have a poor relationship with money and you're often struggling to get by monthly, which makes you feel stressed and frustrated. We believe that no one should live life month after month always waiting for payday.

We understand how emotionally and mentally draining it is to feel stuck with no progress. That's why we created a money journey framework to help you achieve your goals faster so that you can create a life of Financial Joy.

Here's how it works:

Step 1

Take Control of your money and life by adopting better habits and using the right tools to achieve financial stability.

Step 2

Grow Your Money by saving and investing more, and exploring side income ideas to achieve financial security.

Step 3

Become Financial Free faster and multiply your income and wealth by improving your mindset, skillset and experience behaviour change to achieve financial independence.

Start Now, so you can stop worrying, feeling anxious, or stressed and start creating a financial life of freedom and joy.

How we're helping millions take control, grow their money and create a financial life they love

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Take control and grow
your money