How to Start a Blog that Makes Money – Updated January 2025
This is a thorough step-by-step tutorial for beginners to start a blog.
Today you're going to learn exactly how to start a blog of your own on WordPress.
Blogging has been game-changing in my life for many reasons.
One of which is that it has given me the opportunity to make thousands of pounds a month of business income in order to keep The Humble Penny sustainable as a Free platform.
All from doing something I really enjoy doing.
In fact, I love it so much that in April 2020, I quit my 6-figure job to do blogging full time and live my dreams 😊
One motivation for this is that the blog now makes me more money than I ever did in my day job. So why not take the leap?
Click here to create your wordpress blog and simply follow my guide below to set things up.
Is money-making a motivation for starting your blog?
It's absolutely possible but I do have to stress that it takes hard work and this does not happen overnight!
Plus not everyone is interested in making money blogging.
Some do it as a creative outlet, whilst others do it as a means to make an extra income.
You can begin your own blog cheaper than you'd imagine!
It's literally as cheap as having one coffee a month!
However, it requires some time commitment which can vary depending on what your goals are.
How To Start A Blog And Make Money
If your ultimate goal is to make money blogging, I can certainly tell you that it's possible to make a recurring income.
However, I'm going to be very honest with you, this is not a get-rich-quick path!
It takes time (a few months if you're diligent) before you could see anything significant.
You'll likely make nothing in your first couple of months, but then it picks up and snowballs.
However, if your only goal for starting a blog is to make money, you'll get frustrated quickly!
Again, I stress – Your interest in blogging has to be beyond making money.
Money and other possible rewards (such as improved communication, positive relationships, etc) come as a reward for adding true value to others.
As always in life, you get rewarded when you focus first on giving.
Feel free to join the How to Create an Impactful Blog Course to learn more about how to do exceptionally well blogging.
How To Start a Blog: Pre-Blog Set Up
I have added a link below to a special negotiated discount rate at Bluehost for only the readers of The Humble Penny 😀.
This discounted price will give you access to a Free domain, hosting and a money-back guarantee.
This price is for a limited time only, so do take advantage of it if you're serious about starting a blog.
Follow this link to start your WordPress Blog, and then literally follow the step-by-step tutorial guide below.
Using Bluehost is brilliant if you want to create a blog in a cost-effective way, and it is highly recommended for WordPress users all over the world.
Bluehost is globally a top hosting company. You can get started by hosting your blog for as small as £2.35 per month.
NOTE: This Step by Step Tutorial forms part of Day 3 of the below FREE 7-day Impactful Blog Course.
Join below if you haven't already and get to learn all the non-techy sides to blogging success:
FREE How to Start an Impactful Blog Course
In this 7 day email course I will teach you exactly How to start your own Successful and Impactful blog, sort the techy bits, attract followers, build a tribe and even begin Making Passive Income from it!
Start Today and Change Your World! Be Fearless!!
For those interested in making money from a blog – To make a serious income from your blog, you should definitely use WordPress as a platform.
Don't use others such as Blogger/Blogspot. WordPress is Open-source and fully customisable.
There are a lot of people now making that painful transition to WordPress and you don't want to waste time doing that.
The best part is, you get WordPress through your blog setup!
You can allow adverts from Mediavine (see course above), affiliate links, etc.
In fact, it is a MUST if you want to make money on your blog as it is self-hosted.
Other free platforms such as Blogger make this process tricky and you don't want to be frustrated before you've even started.
Self-hosting on WordPress is highly recommended as it will not only give you the Pro look but also complete control of your blog as an asset 😎.
Below is a summary of the many reasons why I believe Bluehost is the ultimate choice:
- Easy to navigate. Even my mum can set up a blog on WordPress using the below tutorial.
- 24/7 tech and back-office support
- Very affordable. For the price of only £2.35 per month, you can start your own kickass blog business!
- FREE domain
- FREE SSL Certificate
- FREE WordPress via Bluehost and one-click set up
- 30 days money-back guarantee
- Become self-hosted. This is a MUST for making money from your blog
- Get the Pro Look by Self-hosting through Bluehost. This draws companies to working with you.
To get started, follow the link below to Bluehost and grab these perks.
Click to begin setting up your new blog
You can of course host with other companies, but I personally use Bluehost and can highly recommend them. It is also no coincidence why many top bloggers use them too.
When you sign up, take a screenshot of your Bluehost receipt and send it to me for your special bonus.
I'll share with you exactly what helped me to make enough money monthly to quit my job! 😎
How To Create Your WordPress Blog
STEP 1: Register A Unique Domain Name
Click here take up your Free Domain and Buy Hosting. Next, you just need to follow each step of the tutorial below.
Your first step is that you need to brainstorm a domain name. This is very important as it will become the name that people will remember always.
My wife actually suggested my blog name, and then she checked on Bluehost to see if it was not taken.
Below are some tips to help you pick a domain name. Choose one that is:
- Fun, unique, and easy to remember e.g.
- Based on a phrase or keyword that is often searched for e.g. “Financial Freedom”
- Unique or spelt differently e.g.
- Short, easy to spell and remember e.g. vs.
- End in .com for more credibility, followed by .org and .net. Alternatively, choose your local one like
If your domain name is not available, then Bluehost will give you a bunch of alternatives.
You get the Free domain provided you grab at least 12 months of hosting, which you need anyhow.
STEP 2: Buy Your Blog Hosting
Here's how you save money:
- Lock in 3 years at £2.35 a month (that's £84.52 today, £144.36 saved) <—- BEST SAVINGS
- Lock in 1 year at £3.94 a month (that's £47.28 today, £20.04 saved)
I personally recommend the 36 months plan as the price per month is even cheaper!!
In addition, I also recommend the the Basic Plan below (you can always upgrade in the future if need be):
Choose a FREE domain name or choose one later or use one you already have:
You don't need any extras to start unless you want to. Ensure your cart balance is still the same:
Finally, you simply check your total, and pay:
STEP 3: Bring It All Together – Domain plus hosting
FYI: Skip this step if you bought BOTH your domain AND hosting directly from Bluehost above.
If you bought a domain via GoDaddy but hosting through Bluehost, you must first attach your Godaddy domain to the new Bluehost account as they are different.
Visit GoDaddy to set up a nameserver for your existing domain name(s). See an extract below from that link:
Here are the steps to change the DNS Nameservers if your domain is at Godaddy and Hosting is at Bluehost:
- First, you log into your Godaddy account and head over to Account Manager.
- Click a domain name in the list below to go to its DNS Management page
- On the DNS Management page, under Nameservers, click Change.
- Under Choose your new nameserver type, select Custom.
- Enter the custom nameservers your hosting provider gave you and then click on Save. The custom nameservers for Bluehost are “” and “”. The Bluehost nameservers can also be seen here
Next, you need to insert the Godaddy domain you've got as an additional domain to the domain hosting you now have with Bluehost.
Simply log into your hosting account with Bluehost, head over to “Domains” followed by “Assign”.
STEP 4: Install FREE WordPress on Your Bluehost
This is a Major Step! Please pay attention here.
Bluehost makes it all super easy to create your blog for Free.
WordPress is by far the most popular publishing platform on the web.
WordPress is easy to set up and use and is extremely customisable with endless amounts of free widgets and themes to choose from.
- After setting up your password, they take you through the next bits to create your blog
- At first, you get asked to Select a theme. Although you can pick one here, I'd recommend a Professional looking theme, see step 5 below.
- Then you need to click on the “Start Building” button
- You get asked to pick “Personal” or “Business” or “I do not need help”. I chose the last option.
Install WordPress:
Choose where you want to install WordPress, in most cases with a new website. It will just be the domain name you originally picked.
Choose your WordPress login details. I'd suggest keeping the box checked for “Automatically create a new database for this installation”.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have now set up your WordPress blog! Fantastic!!
You'll ofcourse have to make it look great etc, and in time, start creating awesome content, etc.
STEP 5: Get A Professional Looking Theme
The Genesis Theme is one of the most loved themes out there for bloggers, and it is what I use at The Humble Penny. You pay a one-off fee of $59.95 and you have a theme with a sleek layout that is fully customisable.
The theme is also SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) friendly and loads a lot faster than all other themes due to its framework. Load speed and design are critical and will help you retain visitors to your blog!
If you don't want to pay for a theme, there are many free ones too. Simply log into your WordPress account and go to “Appearance” on the left hand.
NEW: In addition to the tutorial on ‘How To Start A Blog’ that you’re reading, check out our YouTube Channel for…
How much it costs to start a blog (Basic and Pro blogs):
STEP 6: General Tips, Resources, and Tools
- Make sure you save your WordPress login details that you receive by email. You'll receive the email after you complete step 4 above. This email will include your unique WordPress login URL, your username, and password. Keep this very safe!
- You can start creating new posts – Go to “Posts” in the dark bar to the Left below, and click on “Add New”
- To add a picture to your post, just click on “Add Media” as shown above.
- For add-ons to the footer area, home page, sidebar etc, you can add these as “widgets”. Head to “Appearance” followed by “Widgets”, and you can choose image widgets etc.
- If you want to send out emails to a subscriber list or a newsletter, then the best tool to use is Convertkit. It has amazing ways in which you can tag your subscribers, automate and schedule your emails as well as segment people etc. This is what I use when I email you.
- For information on ALL the blogging tools, I use to run The Humble Penny, read my BEST Blogging Tools & Resources page.
STEP 7: How To Write A Blog – Tips To Help You Grow Your Blog
i) Focus on writing great content. Keep your content original and unique borrowing from your experience and perspective at all times. Also, ensure your posts are entertaining and that people can walk away with value they can apply.
ii) Comment on larger blogs in your niche. Writing really well thought through comments on these blogs attract not only the attention of the blogger but the audience each time. This can lead to a couple of visitors heading over to your blog because each comment leaves a link back to your blog. Over time, this adds up and leads to an increase in your blog readership!
iii) Guest post on larger blogs in your niche. This is a great way to massively boost your traffic and diversify your audience. “Digging your well before you're thirsty” applies here as you're meant to do some work first to show the blogger some love before you ask.
Consistently comment on their site and share their content on social media, thereby build an initial relationship as they'll quickly take notice.
Do this for about 3 months, and then get in touch by email. Ask if you can create a guest post that is unique to your style and perspective but leads off from something he/she already wrote about or something new entirely. Aim to have at least one link back to your blog.
iv) Publish content consistently. The Humble Penny publishes on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Although this schedule was pretty tough at the start, I have persevered and it's nice to see my readers anticipate the posts and the effort that goes in.
v) Build a community. The most successful bloggers in the world have built great followers and tribes based on future based causes or movements. They demonstrate their passion for their subject and cause and build large raving fans and communities that follow and support them everywhere. Have this community in mind whenever you're publishing content.
Feel free to Join The Humble Penny Community.
This is the end of the tutorial on how to start a blog. I hope you've found it useful.
Don't forget to REPLY to me if you're having any issues. I totally don't mind and can help you if you're stuck with your blog set-up!
I often offer 15 minutes of free Coaching to anyone who takes the leap and starts their own blog.
If you haven't already, join the free How To Start An Impactful Blog Course to learn the non-technical aspects of blogging.
These include how to tell your story, how to decide your blog niche, how to actually make money blogging etc. Don't miss it!
FREE How to Start an Impactful Blog Course
In this 7 day email course I will teach you exactly How to start your own Successful and Impactful blog, sort the techy bits, attract followers, build a tribe and even begin Making Passive Income from it!
Start Today and Change Your World! Be Fearless!!
Good luck and enjoy blogging! 🙂
NEW: In addition to the tutorial on ’How To Start A Blog’ that you’re reading, check out our YouTube Channel for…
Posts to read next:
- Blog Coaching – One to One With Me
- 7 Ways To Make Money Blogging
- 7 Guaranteed Ways To Make An Extra £1,000 Per Month
- How To Choose & Thrive In Your Blog Niche
Considering how to start a blog? Or have you already started a blog? What's your current challenge? Please comment below.
Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.
Whoa! This is a seriously detailed tutorial. I am really amazed by how much detail you’ve got here. Thanks so much!! I’ve been thinking about starting a blog and so have quite a few of my friends. I have heard alot about how you can make money from a blog and I would like some of that too. Practically, how long would it take to set up my blog as a total newbie?
Also, how did you decide what you were going to blog about? I’d appreciate you sharing please.
Hi Lolade
Thanks for stopping by. It’s great that you’re thinking about starting a blog. Being a producer of content is by far the best way to engage online in my opinion.
Setting up your blog can take anything from 15mins to an entire day. This is why I’ve written this tutorial to make it super easy for you and others out there.
I’ve had people contact me with a question here and there whilst setting up. It really isn’t difficult to get the basic framework up and running.
As for how I decided what to blog on, I’ve always had a passion for communicating and for Personal Finance. However, it wasn’t obvious! I talk alot more about the process for arriving at the niche to focus on in my 7 day Blogging Course. It’s FREE and you can join from the Tutorial above.
Give me a shout back here or via email if you struggle during your setup.
A comprehensive article on how to start a blog, thank you. How do you find a niche or angle that you could be confident would work? For example, there are loads of mum bloggers out there so you’d think that market is over saturated and near impossible to stand out and gain attention.
Thanks Ros! I had the same concern when I set off in Personal Finance.
However, the thing to remember is this- Everyone has a 1) Unique voice and perspective on all things 2) and everyone has a Unique story.
Both combined give you an angle (authenticity) that no one can compare directly to.
Hope that helps. I cover more on this on the course above too as it’s a question Many people ask.
No doubt, the Google AdSense is the popular ad program for hobby and professional bloggers. But I would like to say, take advantage of affiliate marketing to earn passive income from your blog. None the less, focus on driving targeted traffic to your blog to increase your earning. None the less, sponsored posts can be a great resource for you to earn money from your blog.
I’ve tried some of the others like theme design with not so great results, but WordPress consulting, SEO services and affiliate marketing have worked for me. Thanks to you for sharing the ways to earn via blogging in an easy way.
Thanks for the excellent post
Cheers, Chastity!
This is truly useful, thanks.
You’re welcome, Gilberto!
This is by far the most transparent tutorial that I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for all the step by step points and screen shots. It was pretty cool listening to your audio too :). I’ve signed up to your free blogging course and I look forward to hopefully setting up my blog!
By the way, can you pay monthly on the Bluehost 36months package?
Hi Freda,
You’re welcome 🙂
I thought the audio piece would be fantastic for helping build some rapport. I’ve had very good feedback on it. The sounds could be better tbh.
Thanks for signing up to the free blog course.
Re Bluehost, I believe you can pay monthly, although thinking about it, they offer you a big discount for 36months as you’re paying in advance. So they’d charge the full 36 months. But trust me, the discount is well worth it! Plus you don’t have to worry about boring hosting for 3years whilst you create your amazing blog 🙂
Let me know if you need any help with your blog set-up.
Take care.
I very recently (as in 10 days ago!) made the decision to click on a link for ‘’ Why? To be honest it was because Ken was offering a free, 7 day course on ‘How to Build a Blog on WordPress’.
Over the last 3 years I’ve clicked on many similar links. So why did this one stand out enough for me to finally take the step towards building my very own blog? Quite simply, Ken made it look easy, and guess what? It was! He holds your hand every step of the way…and then some.
I followed the steps exactly as Ken suggested. I understood them, they were clear, and his obvious passion and talent for coaching steered me every step of the way. I could tell he related to the experience of finally starting to write a blog, it made him human to me. He’d been there himself and knew the hurdles and pitfalls of this process, and confidently ensured I avoided them.
I can’t thank Ken and The Humble Penny enough and have no hesitation in shouting from the roof tops about what he has to offer. If you stumble during the course he encourages you to email him and let him know, so that he can help you further. What did this cost? Nothing…nada…zero!
I found it helped me more if I did the daily tasks Ken recommends in each of his emails. It was a more natural step by step process to building my blog. Rather than waiting until the 7 day course was finished then having to start the process. If I can do it, believe me, anyone can.
I don’t want to give you the wrong impression, you should be aware that it’s hard work getting to the end result. However, I’d made my decision, got my head down and got on with it. The fact that I now have a live blog (, which I put together in 7 days, is testament to Ken’s online coaching skill. My next step is to build my audience, and this is also covered in the course.
Thank you Ken, I procrastinated for 3 years over this and you got me there in 7 days. Quite an achievement. Without a doubt you will be my first stop for future development plans.
Susan, I can absolutely feel the passion from reading your message.
So glad I could help you cross the line after 3 years of wanting to make it happen.
Love your niche blog. No doubt you’ll have some very interesting readers and a community in time.
Thank you for continuing to support The Humble Penny. I really appreciate it!
I have wanted to start a blog for sometime now, however I thought it was going to be a daunting experience. How would I navigate through the world of setting up a website?. I hadn’t even heard of web hosting or wordpress before. I felt overwhelmed and confused. When my friend in Canada with whom i’m on a journey towards financial independence sent me the link (she thought was great) to the humblepenny, I knew this was going to be my way into the world of blogging.
Ken explained it so simply and used lots of visual aid which made the huge challenge achieveble. His course took me through (much like you would lead a child to cross the road) the process and today I am a proud owner of my very own website! If you want to see his tutoring skills check out my website
Also he was available for my many questions. He always got back to me and answered any question I had. I am so grateful to him for giving me the motivation to start and making it simple enough for me to carry on.
Thanks Ken!
Wonderful news, TPP!! What I love about your message is that you got some advice and immediately acted up on it. Brilliant!!
Best of all, we have a result (your blog) to talk about. Really good start and memorable blog name too!
I completed Ken’s blog course recently and valued being able to reach out to him for some personal advice on how to proceed with this. Ken was incredibly supportive and welcoming and I had such an inspiring talk with him.
The biggest thing since then for me in my life was to try and free up some time to dedicate to the things that matter the most, like writing a blog so I could express what I want to say without someone trying to edit me or offer their opinion on what to say or how I might like to say it.
So for the past few months I have been using all of my free time to find some different work, and made over 80 job applications. Everything else in my life has been on hold while I try to reframe how I spend my time.
Sadly this has included being able to get my blog up and running, which also went on hold while I looked for work. Some new work is slowly beginning to materialise and I am beginning to train for a new financial role for next year.
I’m hoping that this will now allow me to be more focused on starting my blog.
Thank you so much Ken for all your encouragement in getting me this far.
One more step, coming very soon I hope!
Andy, I really appreciate your kind message.
Pleased to see your progress and effort as you get closer to starting your own blog.
As always, I’m here if you need some help. Looking forward to celebrating with you one day 🙂
My experience with your tutorials has been a good one Ken.
Your style is honest and the depth of your research shows.
I recently discovered a goldmine in your Case Studies too.
Thank you for sharing your best.😊
Hi Jacqueline
Thanks for your kind feedback 😊. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog.
I’m looking forward to checking out your blog!
Ken, you’ve got no idea how much time you’ve saved me through this tutorial. Really kind of you to provide all this info for free! Thank you. I’m setting up a blog with a friend and we’ll follow your instructions. If ok, can I contact you about your blogging process?
Hi Ken
I’ve finally found the time to go through your tutorial step by step. Can I say that the way you explain the process makes it all sound so easy and do-able! I have looked for a catch and cannot see one.
I have an idea for a blog, which even if I don’t reach the dizzy heights of income generation should I hope be of use to other people with a similar situation to myself. I wish everyone well with their journeys’ and in particular those like myself who are not the most “tech savvy” of people.
I’m going to start mine in the New Year!
Thank you again Ken
Hi Ian
Thanks for checking it out.
Tbh it’s easy if someone saves you the research time and shows you what to do. This is what I hope the tutorial helps with.
Happy New year in advance! Looking forward to getting an update about your blog. Remember- don’t aim for perfection. Aim to go live! My site has gone through hubdreds of mini tweaks here and there and will continue to. So enjoy the journey!
Hi Ken
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the course and have signed up with bluehost. I will be sharing my blog soon.
Excellent! Looking forward to it 😉
Hi Ken, Thanks for sharing 🙂
You’re welcome!
I have been reading the Humble Penny blog since December 2017. I have found the information that ken has written extremely helpful and the blog posts jam packed with useful information. The one thing that’s stuck in my mind with regards to reading the blog is Ken’s consistency and frequency of his blog posts. There is always a newsletter to follow the blog and I always felt like there is something to read on a weekly basis, with actions points that I can follow.
Ken has set the benchmark for me in terms of what a powerful UK blogger can accomplish.
I have been procrastinating for a long time about starting a blog. As I was not sure what I could talk about and share with the world, or if I had anything useful to share.
I had a powerful one to one session with Ken. He wanted to know all about me, what made me tick. The good, the bad and the wonderful. He used this information to then craft my blog. He gave me a detailed plan of how to start the blog, my target market, categories of to talk about and what my blog would look like in the future. He took away all my fears and left me with a plan to implement.
Not only has he given me the tools to start a new business, he has helped me create a new financial path towards meeting my future goals that will bless my family over and over.
Ken’s business acumen is amazing, he was giving me tips left, right and centre. He really listened to everything I had to say and utilised the information for my betterment. I will forever be grateful to Ken for this new lease of life.
Now I have finally started the blog, it isn’t easy, but then Ken didn’t say it would be. Knowing I have an amazing mentor and benchmark to get advice from, I know I can’t go wrong.
Thank you Ken.
Hi Tanya,
Thank you for such a glowing feedback! I thoroughly enjoyed working with you from idea to implementation and it makes me very happy to see your blog live.
Thank you for sharing your story with me. You have a unique voice and I believe your audience will be transformed by your life story and journey. I wish you well. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. I’ve started following you on Pinterest and Instagram 🙂
Hi Ken,
This is amazing! Found the course extremely helpful and by so doing have decided to start my own blog! (Thanks for the Bluehost link)
Admittedly I’m not entirely sure what I want to blog about but by purchasing the domain and hosting, hopefully it will force me into something sooner rather than later! Any feedback or suggestions here would be great also!
Extremely appreciative of this detailed content, you’re a legend!
Hi Aaron
You’re absolutely welcome! Glad to hear you found this very useful and congrats for getting going!! I like your approach of jumping and not over thinking things first.
Happy to help! Write me an email, please.
Ken, thank you so much for a really practical and easy to follow guide on how to create a blog for whatever reason. I really liked the practical tips you gave about creating a blog and your honesty on the time commitments required. I know what I would like to start a blog about, and I am determined to do so in the near future when I can make the time. Also thanks for the practical tips on managing money and becoming financially independent. I have shared with a friend and will keep sharing. This is too good not to share. One quick question about the packages with blue host, would you recommend basic, plus or choice plus to start with. Thanks a lot.
You’re far too kind! I really appreciate your comments. Thanks again for sharing these bits of content with others.
Re Bluehost, the Basic package will do :). Let me know if there is anything else you need.
This post gives clear idea for the new users of blogging,
that genuinely how to do blogging.
I was looking into starting my own blog, however I am not sure if I’m able to crete so much content. I have been checking out the previous commenters blogs and they have already got so many articles, and I wonder, does the blog go life since the very first post, or do we build it up over time, adding up enough content to actually go Life and visitors have enough to read? If so, how many articles is enough to get you started?
Thank you
Hi Agnes
Great question. I’d recommend starting with 3 – 5 articles at least. This just helps to give you a head start.
Remember that all blogging pressure is self-imposed. No one expects so much from you at the start.
Start slow e.g. 1 post every week or 2 weeks. But try to be consistent 🙂
Let me know if there is any other way I can help you.
By the way, how did you come across my tutorial ? Blog? YouTube? Google? Free Course?
Hi Ken!
Wow, this posts has helped me so much! For years I’ve been playing with the idea of setting up my own blog/business, and this year I’ve really started to get serious. But I never really knew how to properly start until I read this blog post- so thank you for that!
I have already got my domain, hosting with Bluehost, and bought the genesis theme. I’m a bit stuck with how to use WordPress and make my website look beautiful now. Did you use a Genesis child theme? And if so, are they easy to use?
Keep making this super helpful content! I hope one day I will be able to influence and help people the way you do, within my own niche 😀
Thank you!
Hey Katie,
It’s amazing to read your message 😊. Massive welldone. The journey has just started and what an exciting one it will be!
Yes I used a Genesis child theme. They’re fairly easy to use. You also have the option of using the expertise of someone in another country (ideally better for FX) to do the design elements if you prefer.
What is your niche? By the way, how did you come across this tutorial? Via the blog? Or YouTube? Or Free course?
Hi Ken!
Thank you so much! Yes, I am really excited about this new journey, everyday I can’t wait to get home from work to start working on it! 😂
Ah ok, I think that investing in a nice child theme is probably the best option for me right now then, I suppose even if it’s not perfect to begin with it will evolve and get better with time and to suit my needs. It sounds like the genesis framework and WordPress allows you to be quite flexible with what you might want to add to your website in the future!
I’m in the fashion styling industry and my passion within that is ethical fashion! So the website design part is something I enjoy a lot, it’s just after having started off using Wix, WordPress is rather a steep learning curve! I’ve been looking at YouTube tutorials and things like that, but unless you know exactly what you want to do I find there is so much information out there on all kinds of topics.. I’m scared to mess something up 🙈 but perhaps buying a good child theme rather than using a free one will make it easier!
I actually got introduced to you via my mum who I believe found you on YouTube, and we’re both really interested in what you say about money, savings and finances! She sent me this tutorial to look at 😊
Thank you again for your help, hopefully I’ll be up and running my new business soon!
Katie, that’s brilliant!!
Definitely explore a Genesis child theme. Make sure it is mobile responsive. I really am super excited for you because I was exactly where you are in September 2017! So much AMAZING things have happened since I hit that GO LIVE button om 3rd December 2017. So please don’t give up! Ethical fashion a very good niche.
Please send me a URL to your blog once it is live. I’ll be more than happy to support you and share some of your content.
If you haven’t already, hurry and grab all your Socials… Inta etc. Particularly Pinterest. It’s POWERFUL for driving traffic.
Interesting that your mum sent you our video from YouTube. That’s encouraging as we only just started doing YouTube. Hope you subscribed? If not, you can do it here:
Hi Ken,
The 7 day blog cause is great and has inspired me more than i imagined! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, for your detailed guidance and the value produced.. I am very excited to be starting up my own blog now. It’s very new with little content but is all about living a fuller life, through balancing key areas of our lives; our physical world, mind, heart & soul as i have a deep interest in all these areas and self actualisation / growth.
Hi Ami
This is AMAZING! Huge welldone for taking the leap. I really appreciate the feedback 🙂
I’ll have a look and consume some of your content. Welldone!!
Thanks Ken for sharing what you have learnt. I’ve occasionally considered creating a blog and I like the idea of being a producer of content on the internet rather than a passive consumer. I followed your steps in a morning and now have the bare bones of a blog. I excited about creating entries and see my community differently as a result. I always on the look out now for article ideas.
Ken provides free and easy to follow steps and advice. I would recommend to anyone considering creating a blog to sign up to The Humble Penny. 🙂
Ken thank you so much for this free blogging course. It has been a great eye opener and has demystified the process of starting a blog. I finished the 7 day course less than 2weeks ago, I persisted through my hiccups and today my site has gone live! Thanks for your support and like you said – ‘It’s a process of continual improvement’ – that was the exact advice I needed to hear. Waiting to get it all perfect before you go live will only slow you down. Put it out there and keep working it, after all we are all a work in progress! Cheers Ken!
Hey Emma
I’m super pleased to see you go from being a complete newbie to actually creating and going live with your blog :). It REALLY makes creating all the blogging content so worth it.
I’ve checked out your blog and left you a comment. Do feel free to come back to me whenever if you have any questions :). And remember, it’s a process of continual improvement 😉
You are right Ken, each day I up my game a little more. I’m improved on my theme and added to affiliate links to some items mentioned in my posts! Please have a look when you have a mo. I do need to get well versed in how to monetise the blog more but I know I will get there. Thanks again Ken!
Hi Ken, I just wanted to say thank you for your blog course. I’m on day six and have set up my blog already (currently adding content and pictures). I never thought I’d get round to it! Writing my blog is helping me explore my interest with renewed passion (this is as a result of you). Keep up the good work and you deserve to reap the rewards.
Post update my blog is live and I’m really excited about creating content for it.
Hi Ken, I just wanted to say thank you for your blog course. I’m on day six and have set up my blog already (currently adding content and pictures). I never thought I’d get round to it! Writing my blog is helping me explore my interest with renewed passion (this is as a result of you). Keep up the good work and you deserve to reap the rewards.
Post update my blog is live and I’m really excited about creating content for it.
Hi Sarah
Excellent result!! :). Thanks for taking the time to share some feedback. I look forward to checking out your new blog once it is LIVE 🙂
Thanks Ken. That was a really concise step-by-step approach to operating a blog that certainly adds a lot of value to me. I appreciate you taking the time to produce this!
Hi Ashley
You’re most welcome! 😊. I’m pleased to read that the course and tutorial have been helpful to you.
Hi Ken
Thank you for your tips on creating a blog. I have been keen to create one for some time and the thought of a possible added bonus of a bit of income sounds great to me! I subscribed to your course and have created my blog. It looks a bit basic to me st the moment but I guess it’s out there! I need to learn the treacle in making it look more appealing g with placement and design etc but I expect that will come. I would be grateful for any thoughts on how I could improve it. Thank you for your help so far and for creating the awareness.
Here is the URL:
Hi Lara
HUGE congrats!! Your site looks lovely and definitely does not look like a new blog. Design is a gradual thing. I’m happy to offer you some thoughts via email. I’ll also drop you some content ideas and help you promote your new blog. All the best and pls stay in touch! 🙂
Good morning Ken,
just wanted to say a huge thanks for your fantastic tips, you’ve really inspired me to just get started and venture into a territory which I hadn’t dared to enter before but now feel confident about doing so. 🙂
Hey Helen
Wonderful news!! 😀. It’s always a pleasure to help others take the leap. Please share the name of your new blog too and I’ll check it out and give you a shout in time 😀
Ken, you have no idea just how much time you’ve kept me through this training. Really sort of you to present all this information for free! Many thanks. I’m establishing a site with a pal and we’ll abide by your directions. If ok, may i speak to you about your blogging procedure?
You’re most welcome ;). Please feel free to get in touch when you’re ready! I look forward to hearing more from you about your new site.
Love your site, very inspirational and informative.
Inspired by you I am going to start a blog.
Quick question – is it possible to do all you suggest eg Bluehost, Genesis etc using an iPad Pro or is it better to do it on a PC.
Apologies, as you can probably tell, I am not very tech savvy😀
Dear Anne
It gives me great joy to receive messages like yours 😊. Thank you!
I’d recommend that you do it all on a PC to Mac at the set up stage, although nothing stops you setting things up on an iPad pro. Thing is, I don’t know how other bits of software such as WordPress work on iPad Pro.
Once your blog is fully setup, you can access and easily run things on the go via your ipad. I hope that’s helpful?
Please feel free to come back to me if you have any questions.
If you haven’t already, do make sure that subscribe to our YouTube channel here:
Ken – I’m so happy that I stumbled across you and your blog. The information you provide is insightful, easy-to-follow and genuine. I feel that you’re really doing this because you believe in the transformative nature of storytelling and drawing out people’s potential to do great things.
The course is exactly what you want it to be: straightforward, actionable and easily digestible. Even if someone isn’t in this to make extra income, the liberation and confidence that you gain from blogging cannot be overstated. We’re not all excellent writers, but as human beings, we inherently know how to connect with and be relatable to other people. Blogging is just an extension of that, and can only help to fine-tune our skills.
I like the links to resources and the advice around WordPress/BlueHost. It’s helped me launch my blog – – with relative ease. I’m just getting started, but really looking forward to the journey. Thank you!
Hi Kayus,
Your words are SUPER KIND 😊. Thanks so much for taking the time to write me such a thoughtful message.
It’s so heartfelt that I’m going to share it on Instagram so that others can learn about the course.
You have no idea how AMAZING it is for me to know that I helped you in some way to start your blog. It’s hugely rewarding. Thank you and I’ll check out your site. Do stay consistent and have fun with it 😀
Hi Ken,
Just wanted to say I stumbled upon your page by accident after watching a video about ‘Rich Dad poor dad’ and looking into passive income. I’d never considered blogging before but have found your 7 day course and resources really helpful and inspiring so I’m going to give it a go!
Thank you for the time and effort you put into your content it really shows 🙂
Hey Marvin
WOW! What a result! You won’t believe this but I met my wife at a Rich Dad Poor Dad property conference in 2009! So it never ceases to amaze me that Rich Dad Poor Dad is still connecting me with many more people. I’m super excited to read that you’re starting a blog. If there is any way that I can help you further, do feel free to give me a shout 😀
Hi Ken. Thanks very much for the 7 day course. I found it to be very insightful, clear and covers all the key dynamics of running a blog. I’m in the process of starting my second blog and I will approach it taking onboard all that I have learnt from your course. Thanks very much once again. Wish you even greater success
How exciting about the second blog! Congrats!! What market will it target?
Many thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind comment 😀
I enrolled into the free blog course after reading a few blogging articles from the Humble Penny.
I think it’s a really great starting point for anyone considering blogging and is food for though, which i think is great for a free course. To anyone who is expecting to be fully comprehensive however it might not be for you. Further research will be needed (particularly in relation to affiliate marketing!)
Hey Jack!
I appreciate your feedback and glad you found the course useful.
Affiliate marketing requires an entirely course by itself. And so do many other forms of blog monetisation such as sponsored content, etc.
Do share your blog once live.
After hearing Ken give a very inspirational talk at Paddington Business Pop Up, I was keen to sign up for the blog course. I am a huge procrastinator, so loved the fact that I received one lesson per day, directly to my email in box. The steps were clear and the action points at the end of each day inspired me to really give blogging a go. I have finished planning and intend to start writing tomorrow.
Thank you Ken!
Yay!! 😀. Great to have a Pop Up attendee go through the free course and tutorial. I absolutely loved every minute of the Pop Up blogging workshop that I did and wish we had more time. Do please share a link to your site when it’s ready. I’d be happy to help you promote it and give it a shout out.
Hi Ken!
Thank you for your recommendation – I have now signed up for web hosting with Bluehost via your link.
I am just struggling with the set up at the moment – when it comes to Step 4 connecting WordPress, my interface looks quite different to your screengrabs and I can’t see the option that says ‘Start Building’. Can I let Bluehost connect to a WordPress blog in another way, or do I need to set up manually in the way you have shown?
Thanks so much,
Gemma (Mousai Academy)
Hi Ken,
Thanks so much for 7 day blogging course. First, I couldn’t believe my eyes that this was free, I found the course very easy to follow. Another positive point for me was that it was bite sized and you provided achieveable daily action points, the course was free from any technical jargon and fun as well.
I’m definitely on my way to start my blog 🙂
Thank you
Thanks Nneka! 😀. We’ve now created Financial Joy Academy with Blogging as a big part of the “Online Business” section of the academy. We also have a monthly Blogging Mastermind where we meet with other beginner and more advanced bloggers in our community and share the best tips on monetisation and growth as well as review each other’s blogs for progress.
Join here:
Really is a great, detailed post on how to get going. You’ve helped me start my blogging journey Ken. Hoping I can keep this up! Thanks again!
Yay!!! Exciting! You’ll learn sooo much on thid journey. It will be challenging in parts but stick with it and it will reward you! 😊. Remember that consistency (not perfection) helps you win.
Thanks Ken, it really is about consistency. I am trying to keep my head down and focus more on content creation rather than traffic flow at the moment.
Hoping this pays off down the line!
Consistency wins. Always! 🙂
I can’t thank you enough. Words like me to express my gratitude. My best advice, I can give anyone contemplating is to do it; don’t live a life of regrets!
I’m not saying it will be easy, as long as you are prepared to put in the work, you’ll reap what you sow. There wont be any regrets with Ken by your side. Follow the LEADER!
I’ve taken the first step and by God’s grace, I will be smiling come harvest time! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE AND BE ENCOURAGED!
You’re most welcome, Suzanne 😊. I appreciate the kind comment.
You’ll love our soon to launch membership offering if you’re keen to take this to a whole new level. We’ll deep dive into so many aspects of blog monetisation e.g. Ads, Sponsorships, Affiliate marketing, etc.
Join the waiting list here (and please complete the survey that will follow by email):
Thank you so much for this informative post. I bought the bluehost offer – but I don’t know if the discount is still working or if they upped their prices as the lowest offer is now £3.25 a month which is quite a bit more expensive than the offer listed above. Just thought I’d let you know!
Thank you again. I hope to have my site up and running really soon!
Most appreciated, Rebecca! They do move the price around a bit now and again.
I have started my blog after following your “Start your blog in 7 days” post and it was easy enough to follow and I did it! my blog is not yet very successful but i do get some reach acheiving around 100-300 page views a day (it really varies a lot). I cannot see Pinterest as my main traffic drive but Facebook, but I really hope Pinterest will eventually pick up. Do you recommend using a scheduling tool like Tailwind? Is it worth the money? I mean there is a lot we have to invest already so not sure it this can really add value?
Hi Agnes,
I’d highly recommend Tailwind. I use it too myself. If you’re withing the membership academy, I’ll be sharing more info on my personal Pinterest strategy.
Here is our link (affiliate) for Tailwind if you’re interested:
I just finished 7 day impactful blog course at first I thought it was going to be difficult to start a blog however this detailed course Ken put together was great I thought have a blog is out dated now with YouTube so popular however I can see how having a blog is also still very useful I actually feel more confident now to start my blog. It’s also great that you live in the UK because there is sooo much American content this has helped me so much love what your both doing we need this so much thanks for being open an honest about your struggles & success & sharing valuable information for free.
That’s brilliant news, Clarice! Thank you 😀.
Glad you found this course useful. Blogging remains ever relevant and if done right, can be very fulfilling. Check out some new blogging content soon to go live on the YouTube channel this Thursday.
Thanks Ken I appreciate I am going to create my blog today does it matter if the domain is com or uk & also can I start a blog on my phone.
All the best
I’d highly suggest .com. it’s more international.
I’d also suggest starting on a computer but managing your via your phone once set up.
Hi Ken thanks for your quick response & for answering my questions.
Thank you for this course. It was very useful and I am onto creating my blog. I’ve written my first blog post! It is very exciting! I hope to have it go live soon but I am sure I will need some help as the project develops. I will keep you posted!
You’re most welcome! Please keep us posted 😀
Hi there,
I’m on day 7 of the tutorial and have loved the content shared.
I had already acquired my domain name and theme from WordPress but really enjoyed the resources shared around monitising your blog and building your tribe.
I’m hoping to go live in the next week, so this content has been great timing to give me the boost needed in starting my blog on motherhood and storytelling.
I look forward to delving into more of your content!
All the very best!
Great stuff, Sonia! Much appreciated 🙂
Really amazing content as always from the Humble Penny! I thoroughly enjoyed the blog course and can’t wait to put the content to good use.
Hi Ruva,
Really appreciate your comment! Thank you and happy blogging 🙂
Such a fantastic course, I have been sceptical about creating a blog but Ken has made this so simple and attractive. Lots of useful tools and information. Thank you!
Hey Vipinder
Thanks so much! 😀. I look forward to hearing more from you about your blog.
Thank you Ken for this practical and empowering blogging course! I have found it very informative and insightful. As a result, I have just launched my website and published my first blog!
Very exciting times.
Thanks for the great tips and encouragement you offer in your content.
These are very helpful tips. ere are many things I do not know yet, like most of this.
Thanks, Belly!
This course has been super informative and helpful for the basics on how to start a blog. As someone who knew very little about the logistics starting a blog and what kind of things need to go in the background, I’m glad I had this course to help me and basically give me everything I need to know to start it off.
The only thing I would say that’s a bit disappointing is that I think the statement around being able to start off your blog with as little as £3/£4 a month is a huge mis-sell. The hosting site Bluehost which is mentioned (and most other hosting sites for that matter) charge yearly so if you want to use be self-hosted and have your own domain name you have pay a much steeper upfront cost. I think this should be made a little more clear so as to not mislead people.
Nonetheless, this course has been very useful and I have learnt a great deal. With definitely recommend to the next person.
Much appreciated feedback, Mabinty, and very constructive. We’ll make that point clearer about hosting costs being annual but the equivalent of smaller monthly amounts so that future people starting their blogs can be more prepared from a cashflow perspective.
Take care and I look forward to hearing more about your progress 🙂
Hey Ken.
I’ve just completed your 7 day blog course. Thank you so much. It was fab! Loads of useful information, really easy to understand. I’m really looking forward to implementing your suggestions re. blogging.
For anyone reading this, I highly recommend joining the FJA-Financial Joy Academy. its a place where like minded people come together to turn their dreams into reality.
Hey Heather! Much appreciated comment and recommendation of FJA! 😊. We wholeheartedly appreciate you within the community.
Let me know if you need more help by simply posting it as a question within the FJA Community. Much appreciated
I just re-read this post again and thought I’d say how grateful I am for these tips from you Ken.
I have successfully created my first wordpress blog .Your tips were very handy in my reflection of how I would create my blog, the branding of my blog and how to reach my audience. I still have a lot to learn, but definitely enjoying this learning process.
Thank you, again.
Hi Ken,
Thanks for putting the great 7 day, step by step course on how to start a blog on wordpress. I have just finished and successfully set up my website. You have made everything in the course extremely simplified. Just as a FYI, Bluehost now seem to add WordPress in to there set up, so you don’t need to manually add it on, as stated it one of your steps, so they make it even easier now! :).
My blog is based on personal development, sales and finances and i have named it “The Gift of Time”. The name has come from the current pandemic we are in and the new gift of time which it has given many people 🙂
Here’s a link to the website
I will certainly recommend this course to more people and i have just started you 10 day money course!
Cheers Ken!
Hey Sam
Excellent!! Thanks so much for this. I’ll be updating my Tutorial today to reflect the update re Bluehost and WordPress. I’ll also checkout your blog!! Huge welldone getting started. Feel free to email me if you need any more help 🙂
Hey Ken,
I am still in research zone which lead me to your blog and subsequently to your 7day FREE blog course which I have just completed. (I already knew of your you tube channel through your sister Pam, as I follow her on social media.)
Ken’s FREE course is packed with tons of juicy content and super easy to follow step by step tutorials which was a great source of help to boost my motivation to get serious about starting my blog. Guys, its as if he is literally holding your hand throughout the entire process.
Thanks for the BONUS on day 8 it will come in very handy later. (side note: a quick suggestion – I think you should add the review/comment request AGAIN in the bonus email on day 8 as a reminder as I totally forgot to complete mine on day 7)
I absolutely love your blog structure, format and professional look, not to mention your comprehensive and very detailed blog posts.
We appreciate you and all your hard work in empowering, educating, and challenging us by reminding us of our individuality and that we all have a unique story to share and someone is waiting to hear it. (I will start that blog!) Keep you posted.
Much Blessings
Hi Eulyn,
This is such a powerful and kind testimony! Really good suggestion too about day 8! Huge appreciation for taking the time out to write this feedback. Most appreciated! :). Do please come back to me if there is anything that I can do to help you move forward.
To our blogging success,
Ken 🙂
great publish, very informative. I wonder why the opposite specialists of this sector don’t realize this.
You should continue your writing. I am confident, you have a great readers’
base already!
Thank you ! Much appreciated :). How do you mean by the “opposite specialists”?
Just finished day 7 of the starting a blog course. The information and step by step guide is so valuable.
I got a super quick response to a query i had about blog names from ken.
If you haven’t signed up for this course or started a blog i highly recommend this course.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had to say it three times.
Wow, Sabrina!! That’s absolutely AMAZING!!! Thanks so much. So happy for you 😊
Hi Ken,
I just started my blogging experience this morning, thanks for all the guidance in your great 7 day course. I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for a while and your knowhow really give me the nudge to get on with it and do it, your enthusiasm is infectious.
As others have said, the email everyday and especially the reflect & act today section really helped me do a little bit every day and kept the idea salient in my mind.
To yours and everyones continued success
Kind regards
Thanks a lot, Gary. Really appreciate that 😊. Good to hear that the Reflect and Act section really resonated with you. It’s exactly what I’d hoped when I wrote the course. Good luck on what I know is an AMAZING journey ahead 😀
Hi Ken,
I found your channel via You Tube and signed on this course 7 days ago. This course is fantastic! Just what I needed to go ahead and set up my blog. You explained everything so clearly. I took notes as I read your emails because it contained so many tips that I did not want to forget. A huge thank you because you really practice what you preach about giving valuable content to your readers.
Hey Lo
Such a lovely review! Thanks so much. It means a lot to have validation from you and other readers that they’re getting value. Good luck with the journey ahead and try all you can to stay consistent. It really pays off after some time 🙂
Thank you so much for taking the time to bless us with such wonderful information. You are such an inspiration. I’m definitely going to start my blog and can’t wait to share my testimony. God bless you.
Hi Ken,
Thank you for sharing your free course on Starting a Blog. I have been watching and following you on Youtube.
I have gone through at least two other free courses and I just enjoy your style of writing. Made me pause and reflect and take lots of notes. The part about which Attractive Character am I? resonated with me. I have many passions and interests but you stressing that I have a unique voice and story made me look back at my experiences as an African immigrant and sahm in the USA. My challenges and triumphs will help inform my lifestyle blog. I have set it up and I am currently working on my Pinterest game and initial posts before I launch.
Thanks to you and Mary and I hope to meet you guys one day.
Be Blessed!
Hi Carole
This is wonderful! 😊. Interesting to know that we have people in the USA taking this course.
I love that you reflected whilst taking the course. Thank you for sharing that insight about the Attractive Character. It’s useful for me to know what resonated the most.
Greetings from me and Mary. We wish you well on this blogging journey. If you need some further help, give us a shout.
Ken This is brilliant stuff. Very helpful.
I initially doubted but So simple with bluehost. The customer service was so good compared to another whose name I shall not mention. Even before I subscribed they were very responsive and also after I subscribed they were available and answered promptly. I am planning to migrate my other domain to bluehost now
Much appreciated feedback! :). Your site sounds pretty interesting. Give me a shout once it is live.
Dear Ken,
I hope you and your family are well?
Your tutorial for blogging is an invaluable resource for novice bloggers like me.
I had a blog as part of My MSc program. It formed part of our assessment. I had no intention of taking it further once I had passed. It was not hosted and I did just enough with the blog to pass. 9 months down the line, my views on blogging have taken a U-turn. Now I feel I have so much to say/write.
I have now started a new blog and downloaded the posts in the old blog to the new one.
There is a lot of deep learning involved in blogging but it is all fun.
Day 6 of the tutorial was the best for me.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Hi Ade
What an excellent result! I’m really pleased to read that you away so much value from the course :). I wish you well for the near future. Do keep in touch and let me know if there is any other way that we can help you
Ken & Mary,
Greetings from Newfoundland!
I found your Youtube Channel through a collab you did with another channel and have enjoyed your down-to-earth and approachable style ever since then :).
I want to say thank you for the awesome Blog Course! I have taken a another course in the past, but it was more geared to the technical process of starting the blog, without detailing the whys and wherefores as you do. Your course is much better, in my humble opinion, as you explain mindset and gear blogging as a tool for achieving Financial Independence (or at least, quitting the day job 🙂 in a few years).
I launching my baking blog in the next two weeks as I’m working around my day job and the commute but I’m baking and writing content and recipes in the meantime.
Thank you again!
Hi Janet
I really appreciate your feedback here! 😊 LOVE the name of your blog. The fact that it’s a baking blog is even more exciting. I’d love to know more once it’s LIVE! Please share more when you can 🙂
Dear Ken,
I have come to Day 7 of the Start Your Own blog free course and it has been great! I have to confess, I have dabbled in a number of these “free” courses before in an attempt to get started on a side hustle and most leave me lacking with their hard sell for other products or poorly thought out tutorials. Ken, you have definitely bucked the trend. This has been easy and clear to follow- I felt your encouraging voice guiding me throughout. I have signed up for my WordPress blog and am currently working on my intro and first article with the aim to launch at the end of July! I am so excited. I am a major procrastinator (full of ideas but rarely putting them into action) so this feels great to have a definite date and something to look forward to. Thanks again Ken!
Hi Marva
WOW! That’s such good feedback! Thank you 🙏🏽. I look forward to hearing more about your blog. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you move forward.
Hi Ken!
First of all a big thanks for all your help! I’ve used your youtube channel to sort out my fiances and have followed your blog course to kick start a wedding blog >
I’d love to get your advice on the site and understand how to start building a following to monetise this! I’ve done your course but right now the monetisation part is still overwhelming me (I think because I’m COMPLETELY new to this sort of thing).
Would love to hear from you!
Katy xo.
Hi Katy!
Good morning! Hope you’re well and thank you for the content feedback! :). Instant feedback for your blog is that i) you’ve got a very memorable name, ii) Your site looks good! and iii) You’ve gone for a good niche!
Now onto monetisation – Wow this is a HUGE topic! I’m creating an eBook now called “One Grand Plu$”, which will be ready in about one week or so. It’s about 80 pages long and shows you step by step how to implement 5 income strategies to begin making at least £1,000+ per month. I think you should definitely get that. Email me in 1 week to ask or check on the “Academy” tab on the blog. We also have other options such as 121 Coaching or learning LIVE with us via Financial Joy Academy. We have MANY bloggers in FJA moving seeing results daily and moving forward.
I really look forward to seeing your blog move forward. You have a fun writing style 🙂
Hi Ken, been meaning to drop a line since I took the How to Start a Blog free course in June. It gave me the push I needed and I actually bought my Bluehost domain name by Day 3 of the course.
I am one month into the blogging journey and actually went live this month. So far all your tips have been very valuable, 3 posts after I am proud of how my website looks and glad that I am able to incorporate my passion of taking photos with blogging.
Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and experience, I am truly grateful for this wonderful platform and how you add value to other people lives.
My new website is please check it out and hope you like the concept.
Definitely will be recommending The Humble Penny to my family and friends(already got my husband to sign up like me to be part of your tribe of Fearless Dreamers)
Keep up the amazing work you do on this platform.
Thank you again and God bless.
Hi Oma!
Congratulations!! :). Good to see that your blog is photo based. I enjoyed reading your Wimbledon post. Gutted we don’t have it this year too! Thanks for spreading the word about what we do here. Really appreciate it. I’ll keep an eye on your blog in the near future. Good work! 🙂
If you want to start blogging and are nervous about the technical side of it, as I was, then Ken’s course is the one for you! As an ex-professional teacher I appreciate clear instructions and sensible, easy layout. I also appreciate the reassurance that Ken consistently gives. Friendly and approachable, whatever your problem with the blog creation process Ken will help you out.
I wanted to blog following a friend of mine’s comment that I really knew how to live a comfortable life with a lot less money and she always wondered how I did it. With the current situation (Covid 19) I can see more folks loosing jobs/being nervous about their finances and I know how to help them in different way to the fabulous content on Ken’s You Tube channel so I thought I should give it a go!!
Hi Ken,
Great guide for starting the blogging journey and really enjoy the content you’re sharing on both the blog and youtube (found you via the blog originally).
I’ve been working through the process of building my blog over the past few weeks (launched yesterday! and am now at the point of wondering whether the technical aspects of my blog need further work before I continue building my brand and audience etc. In your experience, would it be wise to enlist the help of a web design professional (via Upwork or similar) at this stage of my journey or do you feel this would only be required further down the line?
Other than technical web design support, would you recommend reaching out for any other support in the next year or so from other subject matter experts?
Would much appreciate any advice you’re able to give.
Very best of luck building your brand further on youtube and FJA!
Hi Ken,
I love all your content. I have a blog but I get stuck on what to talk about–niching. I am a life coach and an ESL English teacher living in Germany. I really love talking about personal and spiritual growth along with life lessons as an ex-pat. I have a blog on Weebly which I made a few years ago but have been thinking about moving to WordPress and being more consistent. I will admit that I am scared that no one would read it and it won’t grow and become profitable. That fear is what keeps me from starting and the fact that I do not have a clear niche topic. Any suggestions? Kind regards, Paula
Hi Paula
Do you fear being judged? If so, why? A move to WordPress is the right one. Also, more than ever, a blog with a spiritual angle gives you an edge 😊
Amazing content! I took the 7-day How to Start a Blog course in June and I’ve now launched my blog at
When I started the course, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to be a blogger (I found your blog through your YouTube channel while researching how to start a YouTube channel). Now, I’m a blogger and ready to do the work to make it successful. I’ve got several posts up already and a couple of free resources to help with subscriptions. I’m going to eventually change the theme but didn’t want to get bogged down by that like you suggested.
Please feel free to visit the site and any feedback is welcome. 🙂 Thanks!
Hi Peju! This is such good feedback and lovely to see that you have gotten started too! I love the domain name ‘cos it says so much about what your blog is about even before clicking. I’ll check it out. Good luck with your learning on this journey 🙂
This is a great course, I have dyslexia and can get quite overwhelmed easily, I also battle with with a lot of self doubt and lack of confidence, but this course is so easy to follow and very informative, at no point did I get overwhelmed or in a panic instead I feel excited about this new blog journey I’m about to start, so thank you very much Ken.
Hi Lillee
Thanks so much for the feedback! It is really helpful to know that this helped you and at no point were you overwhelmed. I look forward to learning more about your blogging journey 🙂
Just completed the 7 day course and want to say thank you for writing such a detailed, easy to follow course. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while and this has given me the push I needed. I’m excited( also nervous) to start – thank you again.
You’re most welcome, Shennes! Thank you :). What will your blog be about?
I’m going to start a book blog, initially around helping teachers picking books based on genres etc. but could also help parents. I have a few ideas so just have to try them out.
That’s the first I’ve come across. I wish you well with it 😀
Thank you.
Hi Ken and Mary
Thank you very much for your course. After so many false starts, your course has helped us and directed us. My wife and I have just launched our blog and we are so excited! Please check it out. We have had more 600 views in 3 days. It could not have been possible without your course. Thank you
Hi Jabu and Wim,
Wonderful news! :). Really excited to see where this journey takes you! Thank you for commenting and giving us some feedback 🙂
I have just completed the ‘How To Start An Impactful Blog Course’ and can honestly say it has answered many of the questions I had about how to start my own blog. It really goes into a lot of depth and provides useful tips on how to decide what to blog about, how to make money from it and even how to tell your story to gain followers! The post above is also clear and makes setting up a blog very simple. I have no experience in blogging but this course has taught me a lot about things I had not previously considered. I can now happily say that I feel confident in beginning my own blog.
Thanks Ken for setting this course up and making it free. For those who haven’t done the course, I would definitely recommend it alongside the post above as it goes into great detail. Thanks again!
HI Mahin
Really appreciate you stopping by and sharing some feedback. Much appreciated! What have you decided to call your blog?
Hi Ken,
‘The Wellness Puzzle’- a healthy lifestyle blog.
Currently in the process of putting together some posts before launching it!
Thanks again!
Love the name :). Please share one live!
Thank you Ken for sharing so much! Your course is very helpful and I’m using your resources daily to work on my new blog,
I knew a lot about blogging in the past and had an old blog via that I brought back to life with your course so I feel a bit off track as I didn’t use wordpress as you suggested but I’m hoping it will achieve success anyway.
I’ve not made any income from it yet, though it has only been a week so perhaps this will change in the near future.
I would say that it takes longer than a lunch-break to get such a project off the ground, especially when not completely tech savvy…..I’ve put in ten hours a day now for several weeks so it’s a lot of work but I think the lessons are good and I’ve learned more about how to share online than I ever did before.
Thank you, thank you for sharing so many insights into blogging! You’ve opened a new world to me and I’m enjoying exploring it everyday!
Very best,
I am now on Day 7 of the tutorial. I must say it has been very inspiring, along with your excitement. I have been trying to set up my blog as I go through the tutorial. I know you say in your video that you had someone create your site for you and I definitely see why. It has been challenging. I am making progress though and am very excited for what the future holds. You are not exaggerating when you say it is hard work but I am on a mission and cannot wait to see how the journey goes.
Now on the technical side, I am currently in a job where I work with computers using multiple systems. I am by no means a computer guru but I do know my way around one. That being said, setting up the blog, using the systems you did but setting it up myself, has been quite a learning curve. And when there is such a situation it can get overwhelming but the resources from Bluehost and Studiopress are helpful and I feel better having learned it the hard way so to speak.
So that is where I am now, working to finish my site soon to get it up & running. The biggest issue I find I am having now is not being able to sleep well because my brain will not shut down with all the ideas for my site. Thank you for the steps you have given as they are definitely invaluable!
Very helpful, inspirong and detailed course. I’m going to start my blog next month. I’m collecting resources now. Thank you.
Much appreciated, Ania! Good luck on your blogging journey. Feel free to ask if there is any other way that we can help you move forward 🙂
Hi Ken,
I’d like to thank you for the 7 day course and for being an inspiration. It has given me the push and belief I needed. I am currently setting up my blog via WordPress as I type this.
Thanks again.
Much appreciated comment, Kelvin :). We are here to help you move forward. Please make the most of your membership of Financial Joy Academy too. The fortnightly coaching calls and the community are great ways to get answers and continually move forward.
I wish I had this seen this post years ago. This time around I challenged myself with setting everything up from scratch on AWS. I think I really bit off more than I could chew. However, I love tinkering about with tech stuff and I got there in the end. Wonderfully written post as always!
What an insightful and very helpful course. I was very hesitant in doing the course but after reading day 1 I had to see it through just because of how informative it was. I have now “jumped” as you had recommended and I am about to embark on this new journey (which is still pretty scary). However, the course has definitely contributed to my confidence and I cannot thank you enough.
This means a lot!! Thanks so much 😊
Hi Ken,
Thank you so much for this course and all the free content you put out. You’ve really motivated me to stop dreaming about blogging and get started. I struggled for a long time to think of what to write about, fearing I had nothing unique to offer because I couldn’t think of a blog no one else had done. Your course taught me that my content is unique without needing to find a niche no one else in the world had spotted!
I’m planning to blog about the highs and lows of being a full time small business owner while parenting a baby. Currently I’m banking a few articles while I think of a name – but I’ll be sure to let you know when I launch!
Thanks again!
Hi Michelle
Thanks so much! 😊. This is great feedback. Your blog idea sounds sooo needed!!!
Can’t wait to hear more 🙂
On day 7 of the course and all the info you’ve shared has been great and much appreciated! In the process of starting up my blog, so will keep you updated! Wish you all the best 🙂
How’s it going, Jezelle?
Great content as usual
Apologies if this has already been answered
But I was just wondering how you obtained your legal and privacy settings for your website/blog, did you write them yourself or was it a purchased legal bundle.
Many thanks
The Regal Mother
Sorry about the late reply. I used a professional to do it, although you can purchase a legal bundle too :). How’s your blog going?
Hi Ken,
Thank you for this tutorial, I finally created my blog thanks to your good articles and the price offer!
Hey Nelly, amazing! :). Please share a link to your blog
Thank you Ken for the free blogging course. It is very well structured and have learnt so much from it.
Am hoping to have my blogging platform up and running before the end of June.
I have also been watching you YouTube videos and my mindset has challenged and changed in many ways. Thank you again for your inspiration.
You’re so welcome, Regina. Please keep me posted 🙂
Hi Ken! Thank you very much for your email course. It was very useful and thanks to you have I managed to create my very own website ( I’m terrible with technical things and have never really had the drive to get out of my comfort zone. Thanks to your guides and many amazing youtube videos, I have finally committed to making something happen, and hope this will be the beginning of a great journey for me. I have just completed my second blog post now and I am having so much fun.
There is still so much technical stuff to learn in terms of getting the website functioning correctly – it’s all a bit confusing to me. But so far I have really enjoyed the aspect of designing the look of each page and putting together some content.
Huge Welldone, Mark! How’s it all going?
Thank you so much for this blogging course. The content is such good quality and very encouraging. It helped me start my blog (
Thanks again,
Casey K.
Good work, Casey!
Thank you so much for this blogging course. The content is excellent, informative and very encouraging. It helped me start my blog (
Thank you!
Casey K.
Awesome, Casey!! I love that you took action 🙂
Wonderful beginning blogging course – can’t thank you enough for delivering value ahead of time! I especially appreciate your to be helpful, humble, and honest – words to live by!
Hi Annemarie,
Thanks so much. Your kind message means a lot 🙂
You were the one who pushed me over the line, in a time where I was recovering from an accident, unable to work and lacking any self esteem. Thank you!!
Hey Sam, I’m so happy to read this. Excellent work! I’m happy to hear that you took the leap :). Keep going!
Hi Ken and Mary
I have been following The Humble Penny for several months now, and I thank God for you Ken and Mary, for being real, genuine human beings that truly care to help others achieve financial joy as well.
All your blog posts are detailed and useful and written in simple plain English to understand. I have recently bought my domain name for my first blog, and I am looking forward to creating content for my blog. This is a new adventure for me!!! excited!!
I haven’t published nothing yet on my website, because I need help with my blog structure and would appreciate 15mins of your free coaching advice please.
God bless The Humble Penny. Amen!
Hi Jessenia, what a lovely message! Thank you so much for this. Your kind message means a lot 🙂
Ken, thank you. You’ve given me a lot of useful information on running a blog in a very succinct and easy-to-follow manner. You have my gratitude for taking the time to create this.
Hi Kiraky, this means a lot. Thank you 🙂
Thanks for share your article
You’re most welcome
I must say that I have been a fan of this great blog for a very long time now and the truth is that i have been able to learn a lot of things from Ken and Mary. This particular post prompt and encouraged me to start my own blogging journey in order to help people out there and at the same time make some money for myself.
Thanks to Ken and Mary for helping me and billions of other people on a daily basis.
Hey Malik, thank you for the super kind comment. I love that we’ve been able to help you on your journey. We really appreciate you taking your time to write this comment. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions 🙂
This free training on blogging is a rare gem that cannot be quantified. It is a practical and easy-to-follow course. I will highly recommend it a million times over.
Hi Peter, thank you so much!! You comment means a lot and will encourage others on their blogging journey 🙂
I finally did it!
I started by own blog (, after almost 8yrs of singing to my brother I was going to have my own blog.
I cannot thank you Ken & Mary enough. Thank you for taking your valued time to provide us with such information. You daily step emails helped me greatly in beating the impostor syndrome that held me back all this years.
And ofcourse I used your bluehost/wordpress recommendation. I still have a long way to go but I take each day at a time.
Hey Tabby! Sorry I’m replying later than I’d hoped :). I’m so happy for you!! Please don’t give up no matter what. This is your corner of the internet. Keep going!
Thanks Ken – wow imagine I’m reading this blog in 2023! Talk about evergreen content 🙂 I started my blog over at – it’s all about motivating mums with the importance of our self-care based on my own personal struggles. My challenge right now is driving traffic so people can actually see it, and building that community. Is this something you can help with?
Wow, can I just say, Tanya, I’m loving your blog! Don’t give up even if you’re not getting as much engagement YET! Keep going :). Keep me updated.
Thank you so much for your detailed blogging tutorial.
The amount of detail on the tutorial is amazing and I now feel confident I will be able to put my blog together. Thanks for the useful links that you included.
I will be setting up my blog in the next few days and will definitely have some questions especially in the area of content writing, I keep you updated.
Hi Ken,
I am just coming to the end of your 7 day blogging course and I am very grateful to you for sharing this information. It has been a really good walk through and finally got me started on blogging which is something I have had in mind for years, but always felt too overwhelmed to start. This guide has really been a step by step, straightforward guide of what to do, how to approach blogging and has included some useful hints and tips too! I have learnt loads of new things and how to get started! It has been hard work but this course and guidance has made me feel it is achievable.
Thank you.
You’re most welcome, Nyasha :). Please stay in touch and update us with how you’re doing.
I have been following The Humble Penny for quite some time and have subscribed to several of their blogging guides. Now, I am finally taking the leap of faith and actively following their steps to launch a successful blogging site. I believe that having a community is essential for accountability, which is why I joined the Dream Makers. Honestly, I’ve been pleasantly surprised and feel this is the right step toward success. Thank you, Ken, Mary, and the entire team, for your ongoing support and guidance.
It’s incredible to have you as a Dream Maker at Financial Joy Academy (FJA). I’ll drop a link here for others who might want to learn more: