Blogging is one of those things I fell into in my early thirties and I have never looked back.
It is literally an opportunity for me to speak to millions around the world consistently about things I am passionate about, with the goal of effecting positive change in their lives.
Below are 7 Reasons Why You Should Start your own blog today:
1. Voice and Story
Blogging is a great way to tell your story as it is whilst keeping things authentic.
Everyone has a Voice and a Unique Story, but we never really get to tell people our stories in the hustle and bustle of life.
We all seek connections in life and telling your story is one way in which you can get people to identify with you and where you have come from.
And it isn't something to be ashamed of at all as all our stories (positive or negative) can serve as forces for good.
People are looking for authentic people who have overcome various things in their lives, and blogging is a powerful way of telling your story through the internet due to its extensive reach.
You also have your own voice because you have a Unique perspective on all things. As such there is no one else out there quite like you.
Key is to realise that your voice and story can be a force for good, and start using them.
2. Influence and leadership
Great leadership and influence are in short supply in society today.
Blogging is a powerful way to directly influence society or niche groups of people in a positive way.
Do you care about the next generation? What's your message to them? Blogging is a way to begin speaking to them today, so get started.
3. Make Money Online
Gone are the days when you need to go out and take out a loan to start a business.
A blog gives you the opportunity to start a business you can run from anywhere in the world in the comfort of your pyjamas.
There are about 7 billion people in the world and every day that passes, more people are using smartphones.
There are no such things as geographical barriers on the internet, and as such, provided you are telling your story and providing valuable content, you could be reaching many people across the globe.
You can make anything from £5k a month to £150k a month blogging, provided you are consistently creating appealing content and you can be patient to reap the rewards.
In addition, blogging is super cheap to start up and run. No rent to pay and no staff costs.
I have created a brilliant FREE course for you to sign up and learn How to Start a successful blog as well as learn the various ways to make Money. It has never been cheaper to get started Today.
Given I have been through the process with zero knowledge, so can you. Sign up below:
FREE How to Start an Impactful Blog Course
In this 7 day email course I will teach you exactly How to start your own Successful and Impactful blog, sort the techy bits, attract followers, build a tribe and even begin Making Passive Income from it!
Start Today and Change Your World! Be Fearless!!
Blogging also features in 85 Ways to Make Extra Money, which you should definitely check out for some ideas.
4. Improve your communication
Blogging helps you improve your verbal and written communication.
I have certainly noticed this since I started The Humble Penny. Abit like working out a muscle, the more you do it, the better you become.
In addition, blogging helps you improve your ability to manage your time and network with others.
As you start to get noticed on your blog, you start to get drawn to all sorts of people and organisations.
This grows the list of people you know and improves your relationships as you invest more time in nurturing these relationships.
5. Become an Expert
Blogging helps you immerse deeply in what you are writing about.
Given it is hobby or passion, you will never feel like you are “working” and therefore immersing deeper makes you even more valuable.
Today, people are brands and grow in value the more they can demonstrate their expertise.
Blogging is a great platform for helping you build this personal brand.
You could even write your own book a result of your expertise.
In addition, you'll be sought after for consultancy opportunities because of your expertise.
6. Skills for tomorrow
We hear alot about automation and robots potentially taking jobs etc.
By becoming an authority through Blogging, you not only learn the skills for tomorrow, but you create a personality and brand that cannot be replicated by robots because of the uniqueness of your story, journey, and expertise.
7. Explore your passion
Blogging was the fastest way I could plug into my passion for Personal Finance and use it in a purposeful way to serve as many people as possible.
Are you passionate about cooking? Writing ? Sports ? Healthcare ? Children ? Whatever it is, you can totally combine your Passions with your Talents and become a force for good whilst being paid for it.
As a bonus, I should say Blogging makes you Fearless. This was one of the biggest outcomes for me. I am alot more Confident and approach life alot more positively knowing I am doing good things in the life of others.
What do you think? Has the above given you more confidence to start your own blog?
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