“I would really like to start a business or side hustle, but I just don't have the time!”
Sound familiar? Certainly does for me because that used to be me.
Some of you will know that I am a father, husband, friend, volunteer, coach, investor, business owner, CFO and a blogger. This excludes other ad-hoc activities I sometimes sign up to.
“How on earth do you get it all done?” This is another question I get asked all the time.
In fact, I was recently asked this question by someone who had just seen 6 series of Game of Thrones back to back.
I have been through this process of dreaming up, ideating and creating a successful side hustle and I can certainly confirm that it isn't easy.
However, there are certain things that have helped me ensure I found the time each day to make my side hustle a grand success –
1. Dream and Reverse Engineer your outcome
To me, my side hustle represents hope. So it’s important that whatever you’re spending your precious time doing is the stuff of dreams.
However, dreams without goals are just dreams and ultimately fuel disappointment.
The best way to force yourself to find time is to have specific goals that start today and lead you to a desirable outcome sometime in the future.
This way you’re reverse engineering your outcome. The way I have done this is to ask myself:
- What do I broadly want out of life in the future?
- What do I need to be doing 5 years from now for that to be a reality?
- What do I need to be doing in 3 years from now for that to be a reality?
- What do I need to be doing in 1 year from now for that to be a reality?
- What do I need to be doing monthly and daily for that to be a reality?
- Finally, what do I need to be doing today and hourly for that to be a reality?
Most people don't even ask themselves these questions, let alone get past them.
Do you want to be different to the others around you?
Then grab a notepad right now and answer the above questions. Don't type them into your phone.
The moment you can answer these questions for specific parts of your life such as your finances, health or your side hustle, you’re onto a winner because what you have there is a beautiful roadmap.
And there is no better time than today to get this done.
Writing it down is a form of commitment and it will help you stay distraction free especially if you can carry that notepad everywhere with you.
In addition, visualising what your side hustle represents is another way to jump start you into finding the time.
[yellowbar]I would often speak out loud the various freedoms I would enjoy and how impactful my life could be. Start today and begin speaking that success into existence.[/yellowbar]
Dream and do stuff. Focus on Winning Tomorrow Today.
2. Complete Timesheets
Many years ago, I used to sweep and clean a factory in East London, and was paid by the hour. I clocked in and clocked out.
Today I am still using this idea in my personal life. Even as I type this blog post, I clocked in at 5.30am.
A while back, I started a little experiment of downloading a timesheet app (“work log” on Android) and started tracking the time I spent on my side hustle every day for a month.
This had a crazy impact on my life because it became a habit and I started competing with myself because I became eager to perform better the next month and the month after.
This consistency meant that I indirectly forced myself to do some work every day and I got closer to my goal as days went by.
3. Create Mini Days
Do you ever feel like you aren't getting a broad enough number of things done and as such not moving forward in all areas of your hustle?
If so, you need to split your day into mini days and have hourly slots littered with a variety of key tasks that will move your hustle forward.
If you have a day job, then you can easily find 3 hours for 3 different mini day tasks by getting into work one hour earlier, working through lunch and working one hour longer.
Better still, take annual leave and litter the entire day(s) with key mini days tasks that will materially move you forward in your quest.
4. Get rid of Noise
John Lee Dumas on the Entrepreneur On Fire podcast always says, Follow One Course Until Success (FOCUS).
This is obvious but killing off the noise is key to gaining time and focus in your life to move your project forward.
Practically, I keep all phones away when I am working. I also don't check emails between 6 pm and 10 am daily.
[redbar]Most importantly, I have my TV permanently turned off. No TV = A lot more time available to succeed. At most, watch TV for 1hour a week![/redbar]
These are tough choices but you won't believe how much more time you will have as a result. But these real trade-offs are what will make you a success.
Can I challenge you to switch off?
5. Stay Purposeful
If your side hustle is something purposeful that could potentially be bigger than who you are, then you'll find yourself awake at night, fired up and grinding.
Doing something purposeful has never been more important than it is today. Remember this is all about being you and being fully authentic.
Being purposeful also has the beautiful side effect of having longevity in mind. It ensures you build a more solid foundation for your venture.
On the subject of purpose, check out My Personal Story on Why I Started This Blog
6. Fearless Attitude
I joined a firm many years ago with the slogan “Attitude changes everything”, and that slogan alone was one key reason why I joined.
There is something powerful about being deliberate about your attitude in your creative environment.
You have to build up a fearless attitude and remove the need for approval from anyone.
This particular point held me back for a long time because I was worried about how others would perceive me.
Don't worry about being told you’re wrong. Don't worry about the possibility of public failure. Every outcome serves to help you grow.
7. Change your Perspective
Most people think the day ends at 5/6 pm when they possibly leave the office.
What has worked for me is to convince my mind that the day does not end at 5 pm but that the day has just started again.
This meant that the minute I walked out of the office, and the door slammed behind me, it felt like I was leaving home again. It's weird but it works! 🙂
Make it practical and do whatever pumps you up at this time. Whether it's having a green booster drink or going for a light jog to clear your mind. Do it!
5 Ways to Start a Business for Free at Zero Risk
What has been the biggest distraction to making your ideas a reality? Please comment below.
Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.
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