One of the most practical books on wisdom that I have ever read is the Proverbs.
For those who don't know what this is, it is an ancient book mostly written by King Solomon.
The principles in this book are life transforming, whether you have a faith or not.
It will teach you things about marriage, family, relationships, finance, business etc.
I once came across a guy called Myron Golden, who helped me look at these proverbs from a totally different perspective.
It is easy to read these proverbs and think, “These sound great!”. However, how can you connect these with real life and possibly your aspirations?
Let's dive into a select few proverbs –
“With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.” – Proverbs 8:18-19.
Simply put, to get wealth, power, promotion, better relationships etc, you need to focus on getting Wisdom.
But what on earth is Wisdom?
It's a word I had personally used in conversations previously but never quite fully understood.
Imagine a ladder with only 4 steps on it, and with Wisdom sitting at the very top step.
Below are the steps (prerequisites) to wisdom:
This is the first step on the ladder to wisdom and could be defined as the absence of truth.
The biggest hindrance to learning is thinking that you already know.
This is certainly true for me as I have had to admit ignorance in order to allow myself to obtain skills I lacked or knew little about. A good example being the steps I took to start this blog.
[redbar]The difference between where you are right now and where you want to be is exactly the same as the difference between what you know and what you haven't learned yet.[/redbar]
To take our lives to another level earnings-wise, we have to take our lives to another level learning-wise.
But to learning, you have to begin by acknowledging that you don't know. And interestingly, the more you learn, the more you realise that you don't know.
Knowledge is the accumulation of truths. It's the ‘What’.
One the best things I have learned is to focus on being a student of life.
No one knows everything. Those who know the least feel like they know the most; and those who know the most feel like they know the least.
This is because the more you know, the more your awareness comes in contact with what you don't know.
So to be a better investor or entrepreneur or salesperson, for example, you have to go out there and learn how to do it.
This could be achieved through reading books, attending specialist courses, getting a mentor etc.
Understanding is the assimilation of truth. I.e. knowing Why
When you have an understanding of your knowledge, it gives you the opportunity to get closer to a higher level of wisdom.
Having understanding is what helps you connect the dots.
When I was at university, for example, I was there purely learning for knowledge and to pass exams.
However, 8 years later when I went back to do an Executive MBA, I was there for understanding and relationships.
I wanted to make sense of what the learning meant in the real world and how I could use what I was learning to create value (results).
The writer of the proverbs further states:
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”
When the word ‘Wisdom’ is translated, it translates into the word ‘skill’.
Wisdom is the application of truth.
How do you apply truth?
“There are 4 things that are small on the earth but they are exceedingly wise” – Proverbs 30:24
1. The Ant
“The ants are not a strong people, yet they prepare their food in the summer” – Proverbs 30:24
The ant has a wisdom of contemplation and preparation.
This is one of the greatest keys to success (wealth, leadership etc).
Your desire to prepare has to be greater than your desire to win because a desire to win won't necessarily help you win without much preparation.
The way to prepare is to focus on winning tomorrow today.
This means using part of what you have today and investing it for tomorrow.
Don't just live for today but rather appreciate that life has seasons.
If you are in a good season (e.g. good business, job etc), take some of what you have and prepare for tomorrow when a bad season arises. Life works in cycles.
2. The Hyrax
“hyraxes are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the rocks” – Proverbs 30:26
The hyrax has a wisdom of compensation I.e. it knows how to compensate for its weaknesses with things that are stronger than it.
[yellowbar]If you have weaknesses, focus on exposing them because only then can you surround yourself with people who have the strengths you lack.[/yellowbar]
Getting a mentor or coach is a good way of boosting your weakness with a strength.
In a weird way, life insurance acts as a strength as it helps to replace our future income for our loved ones because we can't live forever.
3. The Locust
“locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks” – Proverbs 30:27
The locust has the wisdom of cooperation or collaboration.
Collaborative partnerships are a way of taking your life to levels you cannot get to by yourself.
Two are better than one and interdependence is better than independence.
Therefore, focus on getting along with people.
If you're struggling with an aspect of your life right now, it is probably because you are trying to do the whole thing by yourself.
You’re possibly trying to make it on your own. Life isn't designed this way. You need others.
In fact, I'll go as far as saying that there is a positive correlation between your future wealth and the number and diversity of people you know.
4. The spider
“a spider can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings’ palaces” – Proverbs 30:28
The spider has the wisdom of capitalisation.
A spider cannot build a palace, yet it can live in one.
If you live in places such as the USA, UK, Germany etc, then you are a spider in a king's palace because you cannot create the freedoms and opportunities that exist, yet you have access to them.
If you have access to the internet, then you are a spider living in a king’s palace as you can capitalise on the technology and content others have created.
e.g. This blog is created on WordPress, which is free. Click Here to learn how to start a successful blog for Free.
Key is to capitalise on these things around you for good.
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What are your thoughts? More confident about creating your life of abundance? Do comment below.
Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.
Hello Ken,
Thank you for sharing this… so much wisdom…
Thanks a lot, Didier!