6 Ways To Start Attracting More Money To Yourself
Did you start this year with an income goal?
One of the best things I have learned over the years is to kick off the year with a number in mind.
Most understand that they need to budget how their income is spent.
However, not everyone considers that their income is not fixed and doesn’t have a ceiling.
The beauty of being inherently creative is that we can all do more to expand our capabilities and income if we really want to.
So if you’re currently short on money today, there are likely many reasons for that. One of them certainly is that you’re likely short on creativity.
The good news is that creativity is like a muscle. The more you intentionally seek to build it, the better it becomes and soon, it becomes who you are.
To make this more real, think of your current job or business as just one sphere of what you’re good at.
In that job, you’re merely outsourcing a skill set at a price. I bet if I asked you to do a skills audit, you’d come up with a ton of things you’re good at.
In fact, if you haven’t done of those before, now is a great time to start.
If and when you do it, and you come up short, well, it’s a good thing you’re reading this post and being reminded.
Below are 5 ways you can start attracting more money to yourself today:
1. Personal Development
When people look at someone who they might consider to be successful, they only look at the outcome and not the journey.
I’ve personally grown a lot in the last decade, although I remain the same height, unfortunately.
The secret for that growth is a down to a deliberate focus on wanting to become better every day.
It has nothing to do with impressing anyone. I have no interest in that.
What I am interested in though, is in pushing the boundaries always to see how much better I can get as an individual.
One huge benefit of focusing on your personal development is that your income also grows with it.
To put some perspective into what I am saying, here are some facts –
Over the last 20 years that I have been living in the UK, I have done some crazy odd jobs.
Examples of these include – Cleaning in a paper factory, working as a waiter, working as an assistant to an assistant etc.
In fact, I even cleaned out construction sites and did whatever it took to make some money.
But parallel to all this, I quietly believed that I could elevate myself and get away from earning the minimum wage or less in some cases.
I started to educate myself formally and informally. I basically upped my geekiness and had some clearly defined goals.
As I hit those goals, other goals emerged that I also wanted to hit.
Pick a degree for example. I didn’t have the money to get through uni and I didn’t want a student loan. Instead, I worked part-time to save up for it.
The minute I arrived at university, I wanted a First Class degree.
I knew it would take me further as I had other limiting beliefs and needed this to prove I was capable.
I achieved this goal and set the bar higher and higher. With some of these goals, I failed badly and learned a lot on the journey.
I set goals around various aspects of my life e.g. business, marriage, friendships, faith etc. This way, I have grown in a multi-faceted way.
Now back to income – I am proof that anyone can really raise their income IF they really want to and do what it takes to make it happen.
In the last decade, I’ve seen my basic income rise by a number of multiples, driven by a combination of formal and informal education and other points I’ll cover below.
Plus, this income rise did not happen because I sat waiting for pay rises. I believe in actively going out there and seeking what you deserve to be paid.
The informal education, in particular, has been game-changing for me. What I’m referring to here is the need to:
- Read books – The right books for the outcome you want. Immerse deeply.
- Get mentors – You need to hang out with other winners. Get one for areas you might want to grow in. E.g. leadership, marriage, business etc.
- Have a coach – I had a life coach in 2015 and that changed my life. Remember, the quickest way to get to what you want is through other people.
- Do niche courses – Don’t just do free courses. Invest in paid ones too.
- Consume blog & podcast content – The free resource out there is insane! Swap TV time and get stuck in.
By that way, I believe reading books is the greatest life hack ever.
Below, for example, are the latest books I’ve taken delivery of:
Reading is extremely important not just because you learn a lot, but you also learn the most important soft skill of all – Communication.
So I’d encourage you to prioritise reading books today.
You should not only read books but more importantly, experiment and action what you're learning fast!
Watch this TED Talk by Carol Dweck on the power of a Growth Mindset:
2. Honesty, Integrity, and Transparency
Making good money involves prioritising honesty, integrity, and transparency.
Ofcourse one can make money in other ways, however, what I've learned is that it's unlikely to be sustainable.
People who put these principles first in their life and business dealings tend to do things more effortlessly.
As honesty, integrity, and transparency are in short supply in our society today, you're bound to stand out as someone people want to work with.
Living this way can take some getting used to initially as it's much easier in life to cut corners or lie about something.
However, once you decide to make it who you are, money and positive relationships will come your way.
3. Strategic Collaborations
There is only so much that you and I can do on our own to move forward.
If you observe some rich people, you'll note that they often make money through strategic partnerships.
As such, relationships are important to such people and they nurture those friendships as future sources of opportunity.
We shouldn’t ofcourse only get to know people because of the possibility of a monetary outcome.
However, doing life with a bias towards collaboration not only gives you more chances of success, but it's also likely to make you more money.
Varying cultures approach collaborations very differently.
What you’ll observe when you look around the world is that countries where collaboration is the norm, tend to do better economically.
In the same capacity, in our personal lives, it helps to replicate some of these ideas if we’re to move forward financially.
If you’re launching a business or side hustle, for example, don’t focus purely on what you can bring to the table as that often has limitations.
Consider who else might have more expertise, networks or even the resources to move your idea forward.
Add to that, when you collaborate properly, you actually diversify risk and increase the potential upside.
4. Sell Something Useful
This might sound pretty obvious, but not everyone can take the step to find a problem, think of a solution, and find a customer.
The beauty of solving problems is that there is a multitude of solutions to every problem that exists.
Even if you don’t have the capability of creating a product or service to meet a need, there are still other ways of doing it.
The internet offers us the opportunity to act as perfect “middlemen” and sell other people’s products.
All you and I have to do is seek out a problem (ideally a pain), and match a possible and existing solution to that pain.
Sound straightforward enough? That’s because it is, except not everyone will take that step and do the work required.
Selling as a skill is so important that I personally think it should be taught at secondary schools. Tied to it is the importance of negotiating.
5. Take More Risk
If you want to make more money, you can’t sit and wait for an opportunity to walk into your hands.
You have to seek it and be prepared to jump after some due consideration.
Jumping and grabbing an opportunity is necessary for serious progress financially.
Obviously, you can focus purely on saving money and not bother with trying to make money.
However, if you want the freedom that having upside offers, you must jump.
There is no doubt that you will fail at some point when you jump. The beauty is to jump as much as possible and learn no matter the outcome.
I’ve had to learn a lot on my journey so far, and sometimes I feel like I’ve bitten off more than I can chew.
However, it is often these risky moves that are likely to stretch you and give you unique opportunities for wealth creation.
6. Give More
If you’re in a relationship right now, you’ll understand that in order to receive more love from your partner, you have to show love.
What’s interesting is that this same principle applies when it comes to money.
Generosity is paradoxical. Those who give, also receive back in return.
If you want to start attracting even more money into your life, you have to start giving some of your resources away.
That’s totally counterintuitive, right? It works!
Take this blog you’re reading for example. In order to create this content, I’ve had to put in hours of my precious free time and so has Mary to create the images that accompany the post.
Because we’re doing it wholeheartedly with a focus on helping others move forward, guess what happens? We move forward too.
I cannot begin to explain to you how positively our lives have improved as a result of starting this blog.
We find a lot of purpose in what we do, and this goes way beyond money, with the latter as an added bonus.
Generosity is a lifestyle that can be learned and made a part of who you are. You will not only become a richer person as a result, but you’ll be happier.
Related Posts:
- 85 Ways To Make Extra Money Today
- 7 Money Making Truths That Will Change Your Life
- My Philosophy On Making Good Money
- TUTORIAL: How To Start An Impactful Blog
- 30+ Life Changing Books I Recommend
- One to one: Private Coaching
What have been your main challenges in making more money? Please comment below
Do please share this post if you found it useful, and remember, in all things be thankful and Seek Joy.
Awesome read.
I am d definitely working on my 2, honesty, integrity and transparency.
3, strategic collaborations.
Thank you humble penny.
Hey Paul
You’re welcome! Glad to hear you found it useful 🙂
Very useful information to achieve in life.
Thank you so much the humble penny!
Hey Nat, you’re welcome.
Thank you! Found you on Pinterest and loved what you had to say. Makes such sense 🙂
Liz, you’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by 🙂
You did awesome job putting this out here. I am so glad I found your blog. Thank you.
Brilliant, Cosy! Thanks for stopping by. Much appreciated 😀
What is holding me back from working for myself and making more money and having the things i want and need. Also leading a fulfilling life is mentors life coach education and skills. I just don’t have enough money now to do what i want and dig myself out of where i am now.. I do want to make my life better i just don’t know how or where to start. Dawn