Manage Money

Does Making Money Less Real Change Your Behaviour?

Does Making Money Less Real Change Your Behaviour? How real is money in your world today? As a dad with young children, I am finding my children’s interaction with money […]

How To Improve A Poor Credit Score To 800+ For Good

How To Improve A Poor Credit Score To 800+ For Good When I went to biz school, I recall one of my professors always said: “Money flows from one place […]

Stop Hating Your Debt And Start Building Wealth

PERSPECTIVES: Stop Hating Your Debt and Start Building Wealth We are back to our series called PERSPECTIVES, with a focus on gathering real-life perspectives to help shed further realities on the […]

5 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Budget Consistently

5 Ways To Motivate Yourself To Budget Consistently “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals” – E. James Rohn. Consistency is […]

READER CASE STUDIES: What Should I Do With My Savings?

READER CASE STUDIES: What Should I Do With My Savings? Welcome to the 3rd Reader Case Studies on The Humble Penny. The goal of these case studies is to solve […]

Why Saving Money Should Be Prioritised Over Investing

Why Saving Money Should Be Prioritised Over Investing Think of saving money as the fight that you must win. Like going to battle and fighting at the front lines. One […]