Financial Independence

How to Invest Money for Financial Independence In 10 Years

How to Invest Money for Financial independence In 10 Years Welcome to the 8th Reader Case Studies on The Humble Penny. The goal of these case studies is to solve […]

Is Keeping Up With The Joneses Destroying Your Future? 

Is Keeping Up With The Joneses Destroying Your Future?  I recently received an email from a reader about something that we an all relate to. Clare wrote in having self-diagnosed […]

How To Save Money: How I Saved My First £100,000

How To Save Money: How I Saved My First £100K – Updated April 2023 What would it feel like to have £100,000 saved up? For many, how to save money […]

Money and Life Lessons From My 20 years As An Immigrant

Money and Life Lessons From My 20 years As An Immigrant It’s 7 am on a Saturday in July 2019 and I’m in my little office at home with a […]

How A Health Experiment Led Me To Financial Independence

How A Health Experiment Led Me To Financial Independence “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf Today we have a […]

Compound Interest Calculator: Benefits and FREE Excel Download

Compound Interest Calculator: Benefits and Free Excel download Understanding how money works and positioning it to work for you is critical to wealth creation. This might sound obvious but it […]