Save Money

Are You Stopping Yourself From Saving Money?

Are You Stopping Yourself From Saving Money? Here is a radical idea – Money made should not equal money spent. It is possible to actually make money without spending any […]

How To Budget And Save On A Low Income

How To Budget And Save On A Low Income The last time I wrote about my philosophy on saving money, a couple of people replied and asked how they could […]

My Philosophy On Saving Money

My Philosophy On Saving Money There are moments in life, which when you think about them, stand out as key moments that have shaped your life. One of such moments […]

50+ Ways To Save Over £10,000 Every Year

There are many ways to save money each day. Some less obvious than others. Further to the popular 85 Ways To Make Extra Money, this post explores the variety of […]

10 Game Changing Money Moves To Make In Your 30s

I have been really excited about writing this post as I reflect much about what my 20s was about and how it could have been better financially. The 20s really […]

How Much Money Is Enough For You?

How much money is really enough for you? I had a chat with a friend recently and asked him the same question. The first answer he came out with was […]