Life hacks

12 BEST Purchases To Make In Your 20s and 30s

12 BEST Purchases To Make In Your 20s and 30s Imagine reaching your 40s with the freedom to live life on your terms, financially secure, and worry-free 😊. The secret […]

7 Crucial Millennial Wealth Lessons Passed Down by Baby Boomer Parents

What have you learned from your baby boomer parents? The media often play millennials off against baby boomers negatively. We see this as a lost opportunity as there are so […]

100 Things That Made Our Year 2023

The year 2023 has been both amazing and crushing for me on a personal level. Although it’s tempting for me to look to 2024 and hope for the next best […]

The Real Cost of 35-Year Mortgages

The Real Cost of 35-Year Mortgages According to the BBC, “A quarter of mortgage holders aged under 30 who started their loan early this year chose a 35-year term” In […]

How To Break The EMPLOYEE MINDSET and Build Wealth

How to Break Out of the EMPLOYEE MINDSET and Build Wealth The employee mindset is something that we all get trained into as we grow up. Most people wait for […]

Chautauqua 2022: Join the Financial Independence Retreat

I’m super excited to be speaking at the popular Chautauqua financial independence retreat for 2022! 😀 Before I share more on this, a bit of background on why I think […]